Friday, December 14, 2007

YouTube analysis: "You get away from here!"

This is one of the most animated live-action clips I've ever seen. The timing is simply perfect!

A few things I've noticed:

  1. Much of the charm here comes from the contrast between the busy, wild 7 seconds of the beginning, and the remaining 5 seconds of quiet aftermath.
  2. The dog detaches and leaves not at once, but gradually. It reminds me that the principle of arcs is much broader than we usually give it credit for: things tend to change direction over time, not in a single moment.
  3. Another gradient is his posture. He's hunched down for the first 6 seconds or so, then straightens in three beats:
    00:06 - slightly straighter, the dog is further now
    00:07 - almost fully upright, but his back is still arched forward - he's still inside the situation
    00:10 - fully upright, spine arch reversed, he's out of the situation.
  4. His arm up when he says "you go" is clearly an act of pride and victory.
  5. For the first 10 seconds, the only thing in the world is that dog. This we see through change: when he feels the crisis to be over, he looks at the photographer - the rest of the world is relevant again
I'm sure there's more - feel free add your own observations.

Kudos for Shuki Gamliel, who sent me the link.