Monday, June 18, 2007

My Google Reader shared items page

Google Reader is an amazing tool for keeping track of your favorite blogs (and any other internet content that supports RSS). Among other goodies, it also allows you to create your own "shared items" web page, to which you can very easily (a single click) add interesting items. What you're practically doing is creating your very own "web magazine", sort of a mozaic blog made of bits and pieces you find interesting.

Long story short, HERE is my google reader share page (I'm also adding it to the links list on the right). You can find there a link to the RSS feed, to help you follow.



canna said...

nice! didn't know you can do that with google reader

for some reason I see only 2 items :-(

Doron Meir said...

Reason is simple enough: I only started sharing today, so I only have these two shared. Don't worry, the list is going to grow very fast, I believe. Just subscribe to the RSS feed to stay tuned...

Unknown said...

yeah GR is awesome!, if you use Facebook also you might like this app to display your shared items among other things