Saturday, September 26, 2009

Superhero comics style chick

poseA_02This is something I did for Hands Up studio a little while back. The semi-realistic, anatomical superhero comics style is not something I have much experience with , so I was glad (and a bit scared) of the opportunity to try it out. In the end, I think I pulled it off reasonably well.

It got canned, by the way. Turns out what the client really really wanted was an owl.  :-D



Monday, September 21, 2009

Abstract City: art outside the box

This is beautiful, this is one of my best finds yet. It’s a blog on the “New Yorker” site. It’s too rare to find something which is both “arty” and fun; artists tend to take themselves so seriously! Anyway, have a look, and make sure to check out some older entries. Here’s a good one to get you started:

I Lego NY

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Army doodles


Well what do you know, I’m not dead after all... I was just very focused on my secret project, a book I’ve been working on for the past 5 years (!). I’ll write more about it soon; for now, I’m happy to say I finished the first draft, and I hope and believe that re-writing is going to be much easier than writing.

As soon as I finished the thing I was called to the army for a couple of weeks (routine stuff), and while I was there I sketched these (ballpoint pen). The colors are Photoshoped in.