Monday, June 05, 2006

KL caricature

During life-drawing sessions at work, it became something of a habit of mine to ease my brain for a while by attempting a caricature of one of my collegues. I'm not a very good caricaturist, so usually it's not really recognizable - but these "breather" drawings do tend to come out quite interesting and expresive, anyway.

This here is my friend and boss, KL. The big one is the first study (notice the concentrated life drawing expression...) which is always rather realistic and stiff. Then come the fun part! The lower left drawing is the one I like best. I don't think KL liked it much though...wonder why.


Anonymous said...

I recognized him from the drawings :)

Doron Meir said...

LOL did you really? So the guys in the studio just pretend not to recognize my caricatures...that's nice of them, it makes me work twice as hard :P

Martin Wittig said...

What great sketches!!Lots of life and character!:)

sam michlap said...

Thanks for the feedback. I love your work and am going to link you. I'll keep checking back for your next great pieces.

Alexiev said...

Muy buen trabajo... me gusta mucho la linea y el trazo... increible Blog...

Ken Chandler said...

Caricature can be cruel, depending on how big your nose really is. I can vouch for that! Nice work! And thanks for stopping by. Trying out a new avatar, in case you didn't recognize me. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah Doron!!!

You know I love it!

Handyman Baldwin Park said...

Veryy creative post