Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sculpting frenzy!

Well, I'm not posting here as much as I would have liked, but what the hey. Doing my best.
After dreaming it from plenty of years, I've finally taken sculpting lessons. So far it's a huge pleasure, worth any penny and every moment invested. The head above is the model for my very first sculpting mission. I've started by sculpting the underlying skull. Below is the result after two lessons (about 6 hours). Judging from my teacher's response, I think it must be fairly quick for a first try.

And me:

I'll keep y'all posted as the thing comes along.


Rasmus Poulsen said...

Yay Doron!! Awesome!!

Ben Balistreri said...

Wow! That's amazing, especially for your first try!

Unknown said...

great sculpture!

The Anchorite said...

Hey Doron
I told you i was a regular lurker, but i thought id drop a comment to say hi! It was great seeing you at the studio, hope to work together again sometime in the future. Meanwhile,"Sachten" on the sculpture, looks awesome.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Superb work !!

hili said...

the top head is really nice. didnt know you can model in lowpoly so well ;)

nir hirschfeld said...

hi gigo


keep going!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very good from Oleg!!!